Jul 04, 2018 21:19
*I went to an actual movie today. Jurassic Park was a lot of fun! There's only the one part that absolutely sucked, but other than that it had a great combination of drama, action, and humor. I did a lot of cheering for the dinos. :)
*Took today off. My manager kept hinting that my partner was still working, but I stuck to my guns. Also, I just realized that my partner was on call today, so of course she was working. Duh. Take that, manager. Also, I drove by at around 11:30 to see someone in the hospital, and there was only one car at the clinic. So yeah, not so much with the people coming in.
*Have been riding Rex once a week as much as possible. I let him determine if we trot or not just because he's older, and has some aches. But I do make him do lateral work.
*I'm trying to project calm while the idiots are setting off fireworks.
*I'm thinking about signing up for a rated show in August. eek! Going to be spendy, and is a two day show. I need to memorize the two tests I'm going to do. I looked back at my scores with my last horse-usef.org keeps track if you're a member-and wow I accepted some low scores then. lol But like I told K, I didn't get corners, or transitions, or all of the little ways to gain points/not lose points that I'm learning about now.
*Had the guy out yesterday about my foundation. I suppose I had thought that since it was a slab it would be less expensive. Yes, wrong idea by so much. (I complained to K about it, and she pointed out that pier and beam would be much easier to fix=cheaper). O.M.G. I had to finance it. And I'm feeling a bit woozy about it. But it has to be done. In fact, as I walked around with the guy, looking more closely, I saw cracks I never noticed before, and places on the outside where there was even mortar missing because the crack was so big.
Also, we found places where the previous owners had mortared over cracks, and it came off. So yeah, it was totally doing this a long time ago. (Of course, I've lived here for ~16 years, but kept putting it off because, $$$ and look, I was right.)
*OMG, I just saw a commercial for Ray Ban glasses that look exactly like 80's sunglasses. WTF?