End of the weekend.

May 06, 2018 20:47

*Only had a few hours of clinic each day this weekend, which was nice time-wise. Otherwise, meh.

*I'm concerned about one of my girls, and the stress she's under. I hope she works through it.

*Yesterday I worked Zolar mostly laterally with some really random stuff thrown in. He had to listen more. And I worked on not dropping him. There was one bit where I was doing a right circle, and he wasn't paying attention, so I kicked him. But he didn't grunt-like he usually does when he's ignoring me-and I felt bad. I'm a sucker. Also worked on keeping him on the bit ready to go, but not moving.

*Today I managed to mow the lawn and finish watering the trees. 90 degrees out today, so that wasn't fun. I wanted to work Tess today as well. But, it's hard for me to do the yard work and the horse work in the same day-tired and sweaty. So I did not take a shower in between and managed to work Tess as well. Although I felt gross.

*Initially Tess was upset going out the door again, but after she settled she did really well. In fact at one point I stepped on a tumbleweed, and she danced some, but not too bad. We'll keep working.
I think at least when we are ready for an actual cart, I'm thinking about trying to get her some time with an actual professional cart person.

*The Great Interior Design Challenge on Netflix. British thing where they have 4 groups of 4 amateur interior designers, and each group designs a room in an actual person's house. They have 2.5 days and 1000 pounds. Each episode they knock out one person until one is left in each group. I think the last 4 do another round of eliminations, but it may be one. Don't know. Only on ep 10. All of which I have watched this weekend. And it's not even the best show ever! Stupid addictive show.

Oh, one of the best things about the show is that they're going to all sorts of different kinds of British houses, and the host will discuss the history of them. Very interesting.

exercise, dressage, farm, horses, work

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