My cats are in rare form tonight

Apr 30, 2018 21:01

Hissing, and running, and fighting oh joy.

Last night I groomed Rex. Took me for.ever. I was a bit upset I forgot to give him the meds in the morning so I couldn't ride, but I think it was a good thing. So much hair.
The good thing about shedding Rex is that along his topline it comes out in chunks, which feels *so* satisfying. :D

Saturday rode Zolar. Worked on keeping my torso up and legs down. Some trot figure 8's. Some centerline. Canter-trot-canter transitions actually over X, and not some random place. Worked on square corners in the walk. Goes much better when I don't collapse on the left.

Rode my bike instead of riding tonight. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do while riding, and I got distracted by something I was reading. Also, I get to read while I bike. :D
But I figured that it doesn't matter even if I just go and do some side pass, reinback, and just go in. K has told me before that I could spend just 10 minutes going not forward, and that would be a good ride.
Or I was being lazy. Not sure.

Went out to feed in my birk pool shoes (which I bought for the barn). I'm what you call a bad example when it comes to barn safety. :D

Last night watched a movie called Pressure on Netflix. Deep sea divers get stuck in their bell on the bottom when the ship sinks. From the UK. Well done. Kind of intense. And sad, of course-but at least not everyone dies. It didn't really have boring parts. Well done. But have the subtitles on at least at first because the Scottish accent on the ship is really hard to parse.

exercise, horses, cats, riding, movies

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