Second ever trip to the ER

Mar 13, 2018 19:54

This morning I took my second ever trip to the ER. I've been having small episodes of high heart rate off and on, but it generally goes away within a few minutes. Well, yesterday it lasted a few hours, and today it didn't go away.

So, after seeing a few patients, and going to see one at the hospital (not the one that takes my insurance), I finally caved, and went to the ER. Well, my staff made me. Didn't hurt that I felt like shit. Heart rate was 180 in the clinic.

I hadn't been to the ER there since they had remodeled it. They did a great job. Big high ceilings, with windows up high.

Apparently it was a problem. lol They took me right back, and hooked me up to everything. Turns out it was just paroxysmal supra ventricular tachycardia, or SVT. Generally not a nasty scary thing, but very inconvenient. Also, two of the medicines I take predispose me to that, which I knew as I have a pretty high resting heart rate.

They gave me adenosine to basically reset my heart. And by reset they meant stop. For a really short time. They said it would make me feel bad for a few seconds. Holy shit, were they not kidding. You know when you're doused in freezing ass cold water? Yeah, something like that. It was nice that the pharmacist that was in the room squeezed my shoulder just then-helped keep me grounded. Also, listening to the beeping stop for a second, then restart irregularly was a little scary. Luckily they only had to do it once-I was not looking forward to that again, at twice the dose. Although I had been listening to it go so fast for so long that I thought it was really slow when it settled, and it was still over 100. lol But it did go down eventually.

I was there for about 2 hours; they let me go at 12:30. Time enough to still get my pizza. yay!
I was entertained by fan fiction, and my staff sending me random texts. lol

So now I'm on a little dose of metropolol (in an effort to keep the heart rate lower), and have to find a cardiologist. Whee. Because they are so much fun to deal with. I do know a few that I have meetings with, but not sure what type they are. So, we'll see what happens tomorrow.

And that was my excitement for the day. I came home and lounged on the couch. Canceled my riding lesson. :( Read a lot of fanfic. :) Watched bad monster movies on Comet. :D

tv, medical, movies

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