Mar 02, 2016 22:01
So, my airport died last night. (luckily, after I finished watching a rented movie on amazon) Woke up this morning, and *poof* no internet. I quickly rushed to Best Buy at lunch, and while entertaining the apple section guy with tales of Doctor Who on disc, I bought an airport extreme and a superdrive (disc drive, since the new laptops don't come with them).
The new wifi router is the somewhat fancy one that has space for extra hard drives or whatever. Therefore it has six, count them, six places for plugs in the back. (you see where I'm going with this, don't you?) One is power, that's easy. Of the other five, four of them look the same. (now you really know where I'm going).
WTF? Why isn't this working? I'm still getting the flashing yellow light. I'm still getting the 'not connected to the internet' thing on safari. I'm still getting the 'plug in the internet wire, moron.' I moved the plug. Still the freaking yellow light. Try the power on both things, check the plugs... yeah, I did it. Finally read the picture on the box. The CORRECT area was the one *just above the power cord.* Not the top three areas that all still fit the plug.
And now, I am writing to you all about my fail through the use of my shiny new airport. Dork.
i am a dork,