Calendar. For my records.

Jan 01, 2015 15:25

Feb 2014: 1-pt/baby, bike 30", SU; 2-church, pt, class; 3-bike 60"; 4-SH; 5-no choir, haul some water; 6-SH; 7-bike 35", SU; 8-house organizing, opera; 9-church, sl house organizing; 10-bike 60"; 11-meeting; 12-choir; 13-sl arrange house, barn work; 14-SH; 15-sl house organizing; bike 30", SU; 16-church, clinic, class; 17-bike 60"; 18-Ride Rex 30" W/T/c, my shoulders!; 19-choir; 20-work with Tess, walk in hand, no more fwapping for bite?; 21-bike 60"; 22-baby, comp class, bike 30", SU; 23-church, errands, organ concert, class; 24-SH; 25-organize house, bike 30"; 26-choir; 27-bike 60"; 28-Taize service

March 2014: 1-house organizing, party; 2-choir, house stuff, class, concert; 3-bike 60"; 4-vote, chiro; 5-ash Wed service; 6-bike 40", SU; 7-SH; 8-work all day; 9-work, slight barn work; 10-bike 40"; 11-meeting; 12-choir; 13-SH; 14-slight barn work; 15-groom & lunge Tess, groom & ride Rex walk in Dev. saddle 15"; 16-choir, computer-NWTH, bike 65"; 17-?; 18-?; 19-choir; 20-bike 30", SU; 21-SH; 22-bike 60"; 23-choir, class; 24-SH; 25-housework, groom Tess/Rex, ride Rex walk 30"; 26-choir; 27-SH; 28-bike 50"; 29-house/barn work, curry horses; 30-choir, class, concert-evensong; 31-bike 30", SU, barn work

April 2014: 1-curry Rex/Tess, slight barn work; 2-sick; 3-PM live interview; 4-bike 40"; 5-clinic, opera; 6-choir, clinic, class, SH x 1; 7-SH; 8-meeting; 9-choir; 10-Fine Arts Quartet concert; 11-SH 7/8, SU 1/3, bike 3"; 12-horse show; 13-choir, lunch with V&L, class; 14-vet-Marcy goodbye, bike 60"; 15-dr appt, dentist, riding lesson; 16-choir; 17-choir for Maundy Thursday; 18-choir for Good Friday, bike 55", some barn work; 19-slight house stuff, choir for easter vigil; 20-choir, dinner at P's; 21-bike 35", SU; 22-get Chang and Moon, riding lesson, curry Rex & Tess; 23-choir; 24-ride Rex 35" W/T; 25-bike 50"; 26-memorial for Kyt, hospital pt, slight barn work; 27-choir, Pt BSA, SH; 28-ET with plastic bag, groom and lunge Tess; 29-chiro, wind advisory; 30-funeral for V's Linda, choir

May 2014: 1-bike 60"; 2-target, gas, slight house work; 3-clinic, SH; 4-hospital, clinic, home depot; 5-parents drove in, filly not nice to mom; 6-tree estimate, Rex lesson 60"; 7-tree guys, clinic, house stuff; 8-clinic AM, house stuff, pick up Liz; 9-shop, Palo Duro Canyon, Canyon; 10-Bot gardens, Sunset ctr, Wildcat Bluff, RV museum, Tess not feel well; 11-Liz to airport, groceries, filing, slight SH, Tess not feel well; 12-work late, SH; 13-med exec; 14-choir; 15-slight yard/housework; 16-bike 50"; 17-sick-stomach, Godzilla!!; 18-church, lunch, slight yard/house work; 19-SH; 20-Rex lesson 60"; 21-choir; 22-ET Tess with plastic bag, barn work; 23-bike 30", SU; 24-barn work; 25-ride Rex 45", slight barn work; 26-XMEN, SH; 27-Rex lesson 60", 28-choir; 29-ET Tess with regular paperbag, lunge Tess with surcingle (some bucks); 30-bike 60"; 31-movie(Maleficent), SH;

June 2014: 1-ride Rex 40"; 2-bike 30", SU, SH 1/8; 3-nada; 4-9 Phoenix Con; 10-Rex lesson 60"; 11-no choir; 12-Tess turn on 4hand and haunches, lunge Tess once each way W/T/C; 13-bike 45"; 14-babies, SH; 15-yard work; ride Rex 60"; 16-bike 45"; 17-Rex lesson 60" (okay hands slightly apart, me up tall, lots of tailbone, seat the counter to get head down, work on circles to left-bend); 18-yard work; 19-SH 1/8; 20-bike 60"; 21-babies, errands in town, Tess turns on 4hand and haunches, hard harm ches to left(??); 22-choir, baby, yard work, ride Rex 60"; 23-SH; 24-slight yard work; 25-Tess over/side/turn; 26-Rex 45" ride, work on bend via outside leg down~better shoulder in, not like right canter today; 27-bike 55"; 28-SH, SU 1/3; 29-yard work; 30-bike 55", yard work

July 2014: 1-Rex lesson 60" (2up1down post, legs back, trot no stirrups, canter-SWING!); 2-none; 3-barn work; Tess turn 4hand/haunch/side; 4-yard work, SH; 5-Rex 45": 6-bday party for Jordan and Jaydan; 7-bike 30", SU; 8-Rex lesson 60" (relax in ring, walk then trot pattern, close outside door in corner, push not pull into turns); 9-yard work, barn work; 10-lunge Tess, need to get all 3 gaits calmly, should change to saddle; 11-knee swollen, bike 60"; 12-knee swollen, AMACON, SH; 13-ride Rex 30"; 14-bike 30", SU, SH 1/8; 15-Rex lesson 60" (no stirrup post, canter transition in different places); 16-none; 17-bike 60", SH 1/8; 18-lunge Tess with saddle, some buck otherwise regular buck on right canter; 19-SH; 20-ride Rex 45", push into transitions; 21-bike 60"; 22-Rex lesson 60" (leg/hands 2-10/1, work on canter); 23-yard work; 24-lunge Tess with saddle (next week without saddle, get all 3 gaits); 25-SH; 26-bday party, swimming; 27-ride Rex 45", ?more legs: 28-yard and barn work; 29-Rex lesson 60" (transitions, back up figure 8); 30-bike 50"; 31-SH 1/8

August 2014: 1-Tess in hand haunch/side/Fhand, yard/barn work; 2-SH; 3-HODC meeting, Rex 45"; 4-bike 60"; 5-Rex 75"; 6-SH; 7-SH 1/8, Tess slight ET work, slight barn work; 8-bike 60"; 9-yard and house work; 10-Rex 45"; 11-bike 60"; 12-toilet exploded!, house work; 13-SH; 14-SH 1.5/8; 15-bike 60"; 16-lunge Tess, work on relaxing my shoulders, only walk/trot, not work on canter right now?; 17-Rex 45"; 18-bike 60"; 19-Rex lesson 80" (eyes-legs-hands, legs down then squeeze by turning tow out, post without stirrups); 20-SH; 21-?; 22-bike 60"; 23-lunge Tess; 24-Rex 45"; 25-SH; 26-lesson 60" (next ride sideways, calm, ready); 27-work on library; 28-bike 60"; 29-SH 1/8, Tess in hand; 30-SH; 31-Rex 30" back/sideways only

September 2014: 1-(vacation through the 2nd) bike 40"; 2-Rex 60" lesson; 3-choir; 4-EfM; 5-SH; 6-lunge Tess; 7-Rex 40"; 8-bike 60"; 9-Rex 60" lesson, med exec; 10-choir; 11-EfM; 12-SH, cull tack room; 13-lunge Tess, some barn work; 14-Rex 40"; 15-bike 55", SH 2/8; 16-Rex 60" lesson; 17-choir; 18-EfM; 19-SH; 20-clinic, slight barn work; 21-HA!, clinic, HODC meeting, Rex 45"; 22-bike 60"; 23-Rex 60" lesson; 24-choir; 25-EfM: 26-SH; 27-lunge Tess; 28-Rex 45"; 29-bike 60"; 30-Rex 60" lesson

October 2014: 1-choir; 2-EfM; 3-SH; 4-HA!, opera; 5-HA, Rex 45" walk/slight trot; 6-HA, bike 60", SH 1/8; 7-~slight HA, chiro, SH; 8-choir, SH 1/8; 9-EfM; 10-bike 50"; 11-Rex 45"; 12-FASO; 13-SH; 14-lesson Rex 60"; 15-choir; 16-EfM; 17-bike 50"; 18-clinic, Tess in hand SH 2/8; 19-Rex 30", don't collapse abdomen; 20- SH; 21-lesson Rex 60" (release before the pole-don't micromanage, look 1/4 to 1/2 circle ahead, hold/support the outside); 22-choir; 23-EfM; 24-bike 60"; 25-lunge Tess; 26-Rex 45"; 27-SH; 28-Rex lesson 60"; 29-sick-HA and knee pain; 30-EfM; 31-vacation

November 2014: 1-9-Vacation!; 10 bike 20"' 11-PUx30, med exec; 12-PUx30, choir; 13-EfM; 14-bike 50"; 15-clinic, clean barn, SH 7/8, cold!; 16-clinic, SU, SH 2/8; 17-bike 60"; 18-Rex lesson 60"; 19-PUx30, choir; 20-EfM; 21-bike 50"; 22-clean barn; 23-Rex 45"; 24-bike 60"; 25-SH 4/8; 26-PUx20, bike 50"; 27-Turkey Day, SHx2; 28-work Tess, open my Right shoulder; 29-Rex 50"; 30-bike 60"

December 2014: 1-SH 5/8; 2-Rex 75" lesson; 3-choir; 4-EfM; 5-bike 60"; 6-work late; 7-work late; 8-work late; 9-SH 1/5, meeting; 10-PU, choir; 11-PU, EfM; 12-Taize, PU; 13-bike 45", clean haystack; 14-choir, lunch, ride Rex 30"; 15-SH 5/5; 16-Rex lesson 70", clinic party; 17-PU, choir; 18-EfM; 19-clinic party, bike 20"; 20-out in town, SH; 21-choir, lunch, Rex 45"; 22-bike 65"; 23-SH; 24-choir, choir; 25-Christmas, PU; 26-The Hobbit!!, bike 60"; 27-PU, stand with Tess (be more calm, expect less time), barn work; 28-choir, Rex 45"; 29-bike 60"; 30-SH; 31-bike ~20

exercise, music, church, riding

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