They called it a blizzard, and I suppose it was. Started in the night, and kept going until about 4pm today. The major highways into my town were all closed. Road cleaners weren't even bothering. Nasty.
We canceled clinic. I had to ask the hospital to just ask a resident to see my one kid I have there in case something happened. And now my clinic manager has talked me into not even going in tomorrow, as well. It's only a half day, and not worth it. Hopefully someone will be able to get out to see my kid. I live in the country, so definitely hard to get out, but even partners who live in town couldn't get out. (Although one apparently already has her parking lot clean, and is going to open in the morning.
I feel anxious about not going in. We worked Sat and Sun, but missing today and tomorrow is icky. (And no, I'm not going to shovel snow. You don't shovel 4-5 foot drifts. You hope the person who has your tractor brings it over and clears your drive.
Oh, and I tried to open my garage door? Nope, not even.
I took some pics, but didn't get out after it finished until dark. I edited the pics, but they still kind of suck.
On the walkway by my house is a 4-5 foot drift. In front of my barn-15 foot drift. I absolutely swear. And I closed all the barn doors this morning, so I had to use the main door. Luckily there was a small path close to the barn wall that was lower, but it was still about 3 feet. And man, a lot of the snow is hard pack, but I feel really sorry for people who have to walk in the snow now-sinking up to your thighs really sucks. (Why don't I have snowshoes again?)
Also, the gate to the barnyard? Iced shut. I had to slip through the wire part of the fence, hoping to not land on the electric part. !!
Inside the barn has snow because A) the run doors were open until I fed this morning, and B)the seal around the main roll-up isn't airtight.
It really wasn't that cold inside the barn, honestly. And I opened up the runs again this evening. It was fun watching Rex snort and bolt outside to wade through the snow. Elle did, too, which surprised me, although the end of her run was completely clear. (Nasty north wind, makes areas very clear, or very full.)