Ice is your friend

Apr 28, 2012 22:26

I was doing so good today. Kind of. Actually, the time I was trying to spend up and about turned into vacuuming most of the house, and cleaning off most of the surfaces the moths were on. Frakking moths. :(
Did the sit ups, and rode my bike, then went out to feed. When I came back, my back was hurting again.
Moron that I was, it took 2 hours for me to figure out to ice it. Yes, I'm slow. *sigh*

Just watched Space Twisters on SyFy. Was interesting. Not bad, really. They even mentioned a slightly mutated version of the X-prize, which was cool.

Don't want to go to beeeeeeed. But I have choir all tomorrow, and don't need to sleep through it. hmm...on the other hand.... It's not bad, but it makes me cranky that the special thing tomorrow makes it so I really only have one day off. Yes, yes, I know, STFU, and stop whining. I do like it. Just cranky.

Might read until 11, then go to bed. Yeah, that sounds good. lolol

medical, syfy, b movies, whine, choir, movies

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