I liked these questions. :D Cellular/mobile phones
When did you get your first cell phone?
First or second year of med school. My boyfriend wanted one, so I got one too. This was in 1994/5, so not many people had them (so, no one to talk to lol)
How old were you at the time?
I was 22 or 23
What type of phone was it?
Don't remember. It was about 5 inches by 3 inches, and had a card that was supposed to be able to change to another phone, but who knows.
What type of phone do you have now?
Do you prefer calling or texting/mailing?
I prefer email/texting. Sometimes it's hard to hear on the cell. Also, I hate being forced to be attached to the phone while talking on it-sometimes I have the attention span of a gnat. ;)