
Oct 13, 2008 19:31

Kind of cool. Although, I wonder that Chuck is so incompetent that he would stand there and stare at Sarah and Bryce so stupidly. Kind of brought me out of the show.
Morgan and the bullies are so lame. lol Go Morgan, go! No, don't give in, you jerk!

So now Bryce is telling Chuck that Sarah having feelings for him is bad? Um, pot/kettle, asshole. Also, you're not even as handsome as Chuck is.

Why can't Casey go in and save Morgan from the bullies, and then get the girlboy?

And Sarah not being able to make the same shot with Chuck hostage that she made with Bryce hostage. Perhaps the concussion had something to do with it. Also, she couldn't be sure Chuck would stay still. But, Casey was able to save Chuck. Go Casey!

Morgan, the way to deal with the bullies isn't to whisper and be nice.

lol They're in the thunderdome!
Bwah!! GO ANNA! Bwah! Beat up that ass! Save your man! Love the tripods as staff.

Chuck/Bryce bonding at the end? Bryce has been LOOKING OUT for Chuck?! How, exactly, has he been doing that?

Sarah trying to explain herself to Casey. Casey not listening is awesome. Now he has even more guns to clean. I'll bet he had a little orgasm when he saw those.

"You're everything I ever thought I wanted and more." hmmm... thought?

"...somewhere in Paraguay quelling a revolution with a fork..." lol

Wow, Chuck breaking up with Sarah. *hugs poor Chuck* How are they supposed to-wow. Love the sudden stereo fake smiles.

awww...Bryce left him sunglasses...fuck, it was an update! Was wondering when that would happen-would have to eventually, otherwise Chuck would become out of date. But where does the intel come from? I mean, if they have this intel somewhere, then why don't they just keep it where it was? I know, I know, don't ask. lol

Okay, actually kind of liked this ep, except for the whole Chuck being way too incompetent initially.

Now must go ride bike. And then play with cat. Or I will regret it, apparently. lol

tv, chuck

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