Hey, just trying to keep all my fics linked, so here are two fics that I have posted for ficathaons.
The latest:
Story: Vegas
Author: Adafrog
Fandom: Hewligan
Warnings: PG
Summary: Brendan and Emmett meet while in Vegas.
A/N: This was written for the 2008 exchange for reluann. I hope you like it. Beta by the usual suspects (not on LJ).
http://community.livejournal.com/psychic_snakes/24091.html#cutid1 The first one:
Anniversarus Interruptus
Title: Anniversarus Interruptus
Author: Withheld
Rating: PG
Category: Established Relationship
Summary: Brendan and Emmett’s fifth anniversary.
Author's Notes: Written for aqualegia for the fic exchange. I hope I got what you wanted, and I hope you enjoy it.