NCIS tonight, and random stuff

Nov 13, 2007 19:00

huh, the blub on the cable guide sounds interesting. kind of. in a way. lol That's why I never read blurbs-they always make me not want to watch whatever episode I'm reading about, doesn't matter which show.

Went to the chiro. He helped fix my back, and gave me some tips on not letting it happen again so often.

bwaaa hahahahaha Tony and Ziva crack me up. But at least Tony's trying to be nice.

"You had sex, and I'm guessing it's with a girl." bwaaa hahaha Ziva AND Tony are trying to get details from Tim. Love it.

Hey, we didn't start with the crime. I like that. Makes a nice change.

Love Gibbs telling Tony to get the idea of sex out of his head.

Why is a Rear Admiral with Top Secret intel on a wooded street? Just asking.

heee!!! Love Gibbs. Lipstick on your collar, McGee. "Good for you. Just don't ever get married." lolol But yet, his credit card is being used again? Isn't this the second time? What do the producers have against buying things online? ;)

Love that Tony still is so serious and easily runs through the techno babble, etc.
The team really is working together well so far this ep-I really love it.

mmmm.....giant caff-POW. Without caffiene? lol She is so jonesing for caffiene. Poor Abbs.

Two different bullets? huh. Maybe I should have been paying attention.

lol Gibbs is helping Abby with the caffiene habit.

G-Does anyone have any answers?
T-Ziva?!...Ziva doesn't have any answers, boss.
lolGo Tony.
What did Tony call his gfriend? Need to check that again.

Someone took the dude's tooth?? WTF?
Wait, is this going to be a 'they killed the Admiral because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time thing?'
Looks like that'd be a yes.

ooh, Taxi dude was a political refugee.

lol Tony and Gibbs. hee!

Tim-"Whoever these guys are, boss, they're very good." Loved Gibbs' look that says we're good, too.

Tony-worked transit detail in Boston for two years.
lolol Tony telling Ziva to assimilate already.

Abby-cadavra? lol

Dude, they took the family photo from the dead guy's wallet.

"I actually eat food..." lolol Go Abby.

What's with Tony and being cranky with the professor guy? Are we now to think he's prejudiced? He's never been this way before. Really does not make sense. Please, please don't do this, producers. I am *so* sick of stereotype guy.

And now we're supposed to see the softer side of Ziva again? She's all getting soft with the dead guy's wife? And she's talking about soul mates, and knowing them when you see them. We're to think they mean Tony? Oh, so they paint Tony a little bad, and Ziva mooning over him, and then suddenly they get together? Please, please no. No more contrived shit like the Gibbs-Mann thing.

"Just push the buttons I tell you to push, monkey." lolol Go Tim.

Dude, the bad guys are going to kill cabbies until they get the right guy? And all the collateral? WTF?

I love the wife's admiration for her husband.
Ruh roh, the US government took the husband out.
But the extremists left the wife alone? Weird. I would have thought they'd kill the rest of the family just because.

The state dept guy is soo annoying. Er, not state depertment guy. Why would he want to keep it quiet from NCIS. And why is he worried about violating the agreement with Zuri if he already broke with the US.

Why is Ziva pushing Tony so much about soul mates and crap. He just doesn't want to get it. Leave it, lady. Also, Tony just had his heart ripped out by falling for his target. (Also, he's with Gibbs. ;)

No wonder they couldn't find Bayless, he's dead.

Tim's in love with a girl who's father is rich. And he lets her steal his money? WTF?

oooh, Weasel boy is back. Aha, he's on the pay. He wants a deal? He sold old information? Um, even if it was old intel, it still is treason. And even though he spilled the name finally (after a threat) still man, throw him away.

Heeee....Gibbs gave Abby a coffee. :D

Ziva plus the wife=no help for Gibbs.

BTW, the not!professor playing the wife and NCIS=soooo very bad.

Oh no, I wondered if that would happen. He's married someone else. And she waited so long for him, but he gave up on her. Thought that she had been killed. Although, in times like that...what do you do? I can't imagine living in a place like that.
Although really, now there's no way he'll go back to Burundi to help the cause. How could he? Funny, the reason they wanted to kill him wasn't a reason at all.

Love Tony's walk by-and look-at Ziva after we find out about Zuri having married someone else.

So, all in all not too bad. It would have been a lot better had there not been all the crap with the making Tony into a bigot, and Ziva falling all over him. Although, methinks the two are related.

tv, ncis

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