
Nov 06, 2007 17:00

We did a first level test today in our lesson. Working on technical details. Getting his lengthenings back. Right lead he tends to throw his haunches in, so shoulder fore-via a leg back. Trot lengthenings we've been working on lengthening-walk pirouette-lengthening. It helps with the oompfh. But I also need to remember to set the rhythm with my legs and seat. Also, let the shoulders shimmy. Both lengthenings need a bit more explosion.
Next week we're doing 2-2. I told her that I want to make sure to not focus on it as a test, or where we are because where we really are is good. We're working on what we need to be working on, solidifying the basics, and details. Also, we discovered I look at tests as snakes, and I need to look at them as trains (little bits added together) because a real test isn't a flow, it's little bits that add up to the *illusion* of flow.
So, gotta print out that test, and start working on what I'll be thinking about with each movement.

BTW, watching My Family on BBC America as I write this. And the mother is Cassandra from Doctor Who, and the older flirty daughter is Mary from Torchwood. lol Weird.

tv, dressage

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