SciFi Friday

Nov 02, 2007 20:01

Sweet car. Black thing...looks like a Camaro? Aww....they're going to put it in a car show!

lol Zarkoff spewing technobabble is great.

RIght, so they go through this rift so that the freaking mailman doesn't see them? Couldn't they have, oh, I don't know, somehow waylaid the mailman? *rolls eyes*

"He's being chased by blue men with spears. He is not okay." lol

So wait, the blue people can only fight with those they have the blood of? eh? And the blue priestess chick-not so much with the believing of her being evil, and not just dorky crazy (I think she's supposed to be kind of evily like Poison Ivy in Batman Forever, but this actress doesn't pull it off).
Ah, her name is Azura of the Zern. And she's mad at the Dactyls because she thinks they're taking their water transports.
Wonder why Ming doesn't mind the fact that Rankel is taller then him with his little rolly thing.

Love Zarkoff and Flash together. He's not too dumb acting, but I keep expecting it. lol

oooh, someone's trying to talk her out of making war on the Dactyls. She's not going for it. Here she is acting as the voice of her god. She had a deeper voice, AND red eyes. hmm.....wonder where the Goa'uld went to. ;)

Ruh roh, they got the Dactyl out, but now Zarkoff's been caught. Oops. Yay, the Dactyl saved them.

lolol The best friend and Baylen are waxing the car. Cute.

Now they're the Zern Scurge? Cool.
And, of course, Flash is trying to talk the Dactyls out of going to war. *rolls eyes* He is going to try to figure out who really stole the water.

Joe told his superior about Mongo?!?! WTF? And why are they in the office with no lights on?Blind shadows are cool in NOIR movies.

ooh, Flash has his own contacts on Mongo now. Cool.
"Desparate tea addict..." lol

Why did they leave Zarkoff alone?
lolol Of course, kind of not nice with the Dactyls laughing at him after he got into the fire thorns.

Why is Joe being sutch a putz? Seriously. If they don't think he's nuts, they're going to nab him.

ack! Zarkoff in a bird outfit! lolol

There must be different Dactyl tribes because Flash is in a teahouse, and there's a Dactyl there kind of partying.

Peace summit between the two warring parties.

OMG, that car looks nice! Uh oh, best friend wants to 'play' with Baylen. lol He really doesn't know what he's getting into.

Now we're at the peace summit with Ming. Why do people keep asking if they can prove it wasn't the Dactyls? Don't they have to prove it *was* the Dactyls?

ooohhh...Ming says he can't stop the war since there's no way to prove Dactyl innocence. He so wants them to kill the crap out of each other.

But no, Flash has brought his witness. And they vow peace. And the witness gets to leave without dying? huh.

Great. Now Dale is trying to tell Baylen that she can't go out with Nick (Flash's best friend), and that she shouldn't have sex with him. oookay. Yah Dale, just put your kibosh on everyone else since you can't do anything and your guy's a putz. Interesting that Baylen says they 'get to know each other' so they can bond.

Razor flashback: Very cool. They were already working on the flesh cylons.

I can't believe Joe gave up the Dactyl boy. And now, I'll bet he's gonna try to make Dale
stand up for him. And he's made her choose between him and Flash right there. At least she tried to save him by saying it was a joke. aaaannnd..he didn't go along with it.

So if Ming says that there will be no war, and there is war, doesn't that make his word not real.

HA! I knew Ming was in on the Dactyl thing. He wants everyone involved killed.

Wow, she wasn't kidding about attacking the Dactyls right away. And they took Zarkoff.

Flash has a gun now? Where did that come from?

Dactyl head guy is distracing. Cool. lolol Flash is playing dress up. Aaaand the evil chick's run away.

Dang, I didn't catch that that's why he wanted the war. Knew there was a water shortage, and I knew he wanted war, but didn't quite put together the hundreds less people=less need for water=no shortage. Go Ming.

Do you know who (is working against you)? Of course. (What does that mean? Does he know it's Flash?) oooh, blue chick is trying to intimidate Ming. right. And, um, ew! They're snogging.

OMG, Dale's all whiny ho. Complaining she doesn't want to keep it a secret again because of Joe, then flinging herself in Flash's arms when he gets back.

oooh, halfway through the problem already. Rodney's left a message for himself. Really freaking lighting. Overexposed, almost?

OMFG no, they're pushing the Rodney and Katie thing? And she's giving him a plant that looks like a penis named after him. Of course it's a cactus. lol
He asked her to lunch? And she turned him down because she feels bad? And he insists on accompanying her to the infirmary? WTF?

That's nice seeing John and Sam chatting about stuff regularly.
oooh, Famous last words with the tech saying 'maybe it won't get any worse than that.' oops Hitting a lot of the people who went to the mainland. Makes sense there would be different bacteria on a different planet.

Rodney's all alone again with the funny light. Zelenka. heee! He's so cute!!

lol Rodney's such a hypochondriac sometimes. lol Love the side-long glances of 'go away' that Keller was giving him.

Uh oh, it's gotten through the biohazard suits.
And why hasn't Atlantis initiated lockdown herself?

uh oh, Katie doesn't know who anyone is.

LORNE!! And he's stealing scientists and popping pills. hmmm.....
You know, Rodney's pretty calm for someone who had to write a note to himself so he would know who he was. Go Rodney. See, he is brave. Sometimes. lol

Sam notified Stargate command that they were suspending gate travel. Yay, way to go running to the boss people. er, sorry, that was bad.

Oh, now he's in hock. The messhall. At least he remembers that he needs to find Teyla.

Ha. They've addressed the automatic lockdown. No answer, but at least they brought it up.

heee! Teyla told Ronon to go talk to Keller. And O.M.G. he is so much taller than she is.

That must be so frightening for Rodney to feel things slipping away in his brain.
And they have Brown lying in a hospital bed right below where Rodney is asking for help getting out.

lol They're betting on who's going to lose their memories first. Of course, there's no way they'll remember who's won.

Stimulants. aha. Supposed to help slow down the memory loss.

Oh no, Keller's losing her memory. Can she run a code like that? If what she needs to remember has been ingrained, then it should be one of the last things to go.

Rodney and Sam in a jail break. lol Go guys!
"We'll just have to search room by room."
"How big can this place possibly be?"
-they go

Like John would really think scientists would come quietly lol
John lost his way. Of course, it's not all that different from offworld-lol.

Zelenka again? hee!

If they don't remember really how to turn on the computer, then how can they read English? Just asking.

YAY!!!!! Keller said they can't reverse engineer antibodies, and that it would take months. Yes! Love that finally a little bit of reality with the whole antibody thing. (most shows make it into something easy, when in fact it's pretty much impossible.)

Ooh, so Teyla needs to find them some sap, and they'll all be okay. But now Zelanka has the control crystal, so they can't get the treatment.
I wonder if they'd all lose their memory forever if they don't get the sap. Or is this just going to be treating the symptoms until it goes away on its own?

Wondered why we weren't seeing Ronon and John in Atlantis. They're off to the mainland to get the sap. Or whatever. I love Teyla keeping Rodney up to date on what he's supposed to be doing.

"I almost forgot mother's day 5 years in a row." lol Rodney.

"Doesn't that make me a bad person?"
"It's makes you the kind of person who will save all our lives."
aww....go Teyla.

bwaaahahahahaha Ronon blasted John without a second's thought. "Never gets old." lol Love it.

Ruh roh, Teyla's gone off to investigate a 'mysterious sound.'
And it's Lorne and his group. Dang, he really gets kind of nasty marine when he's under the influence, doesn't he?

And here we are when Rodney leaves himself his message.

He's put her in the wraith cell.
lol They followed Lorne to get to Teyla. Go guys.

Aaand, they get lose, but now John has gotten free, and is pointing a gun at Ronon. I'll bet Ronon's *really* happy he shot John earlier. And now John has his slimy mitts on Ronon's gun. hmm.....

I adore Ronon's logic. If he shoots John, he'll be all alone in the dark forest, so trust him.

Uh oh, the marines are going to stop them from delivering the medicine. But no, there was a polaroid. hee! At least Lorne goes chain of command. Although I'm still mad at him for being cranky to Teyla.

Why isn't Rodney there with John? Teyla and Ronon are there.
He's with Brown? Who is suddenly actually waking up. Noooo.....And she remembers Rodney. "it's good to see you." hack, choke, gasp.

Next week, Teyla goes Postal when her people get kidnapped. Go Teyla!

So they're trying to shove Rodney/Brown down our throats? Puhleese. At least they had Ronon go with John to go get the plants.
And I like that it was a childhood illness. Really illustrated what can happen when naive immune systems come across new bugs.

sga, scifi friday, flash gordon

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