August 6th, 2009

Aug 06, 2009 15:57

The best things in life are free.  monetarily.  the most important things require sacrifice and direct decision in order to bloom.
Realizing I do indeed have the capacity and sensitivity to embrace and utilize this flow
Weighed down by the multi coloured yarns I pull along with me along the rocky creek.
should be stopping to build my ship of creation, hop in and sail free lovingly along the tides of time
Am loving many, opening my heart, slowly making my way to my caged spirit.
hoping it will forgive me for locking it away. my intentions were all well meaning at 11
must vanquish the evil spirit i hired to stand guard.
i am a genius in self suppressed disguise, but the build up is reaching the brim
it's going to feel amazing i suspect, if a little nauseating.  vertigo.
scurrying about the city last night in a little bubble of orange propulsion
kissed lips i've been desiring for over a year, that i turned away from so long ago
and there's not questions or expectations when they touched mine.
feels good and comfortable
strung out and bug eye in an all night wakefulness: exhausting
lucidity and minds growing closer to parallel: priceless
my qualms stem from not knowing, the worst state for my Aquarian fate
only know internalizing 'practice makes perfect' should be taken literally
and ive been priding myself so long on false presumptions of possessing patience
i possessed only apathy and fear
and a compulsive hold on my past, no processing
i am a child, far behind in the general, but this is quite possible a huge advantage
in being able to objectively see, live, innovate and perceive
i've come to regard Burroughs as a father figure
Waits as an Uncle
and myself as a golden bowl of light
i want to show my beetle now

i'll show you mine if you show me yours


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