Nov 26, 2007 14:09
After Megan passed out last night, I was drunkenly putting up the turkey decorations from the kids. In the process I knocked over a picture frame in my room, shattering it. While I was cleaning it up, I saw that it was the frame that I kept a picture of Charlie of me in the back of. It was just lying on the floor, staring up at me. Hysterical, I threw the picture away and left the glass on the floor. I finished off the wine Megan and I had started and passed out, still in my clothes on top of my covers.
How appropriate. Just like him, just like us, shattered. :sighs: I wonder where he is… if he’s still alive. I mostly wonder what I could have done to help. Especially around this time of the year...
This morning I cut my foot on the glass and dug frantically through the trash for the picture. It’s now un-crumpled and in the bottom of my briefcase.
my family,