[Private] Today in court - lucky strike or strike out?

Sep 09, 2008 19:08

Yesterday Sanderson tried to convince me that he wasn't guilty. I told him that he didn't need to convince me of anything - all that I asked was that he tell me the truth.

He gave me his version of the truth. At this point I have no choice but to take him at his word, regardless of my feelings.

That's...hard, but I took an oath when I became a lawyer - to zealously defend the interests of my client - regardless of who that client is.

I think I surprised myself today. Last night was rough - knowing what I was going to have to do today in court and coming to terms with it. But when it came down to it, the job that I've been sworn to do took precedence over my relationship with the people I normally work with. It was the first time in court that I ever thought, "Gotta do this now and sort out the consequences later."

In addition to alienating the cops that I'm still going to have to work with when this is over, I tore apart the case that only last week I'd helped build up. It was a "win" for the day, but it didn't feel like one.

I was able to talk big after court to Michael and I was able to remind him of the bottom line -

Cutter: That doesn’t change the underlying facts, Connie. You know he killed Dresner.
Rubirosa: As Jack says, I only know what I can prove in court.

- but even that isn't enough to make me feel better.

OOC: Italicized quotes are directly from TOS 18x16 Strike and so is the gist of the idea behind "being able to zealously defend a client's interest, regardless of the client"...also, since the whole "Strike" storyline is from the episode, a lot of references to what happens with Sanderson and what happens in court are pretty much taken directly from the episode and tweaked. Er, yeah, way to explain that retroactively. :D

colin macmanus, maxie harper, joe fontana, casey novak, sanderson, private thoughts, strike, michael cutter

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