Unforgettable - RP moment

Jun 15, 2008 13:08

OOC: Thank you to Mindy for indulging me in the Brian-drunken-blabbering scenario. I love your Brian and I love that you, like me, don't mind tormenting your characters every now and again. And thank you to Jess for writing a rocking Cutter.

Connie Rubirosa: *around 11pm on Thursday night, knocks on Cutter's door. She's not crying but her eyes are a little watery and she looks tired, still in her work clothes*
Michael Cutter: *opens door* Connie?
Connie Rubirosa: ...I was in the neighborhood...*little shrug*
Michael Cutter: Oh, well, come in, come in.
Connie Rubirosa: *she does*

Michael Cutter: How are you?
Connie Rubirosa: It's been a long day.
Michael Cutter: It looks like it. Drink?
Connie Rubirosa: *nods, taking her shoes off, sitting down on the couch*
Michael Cutter: *gets one for her*
Connie Rubirosa: *takes it, takes a drink and then takes a breath*
Michael Cutter: *looks at her expectantly*

Connie Rubirosa: So I went out with Peluso for drinks after work. Casey was supposed to come, too, but she got a call for a warrant...
Michael Cutter: From what case?
Connie Rubirosa: Uh-*thinks*--the last one leftover from Feldman's caseload, I think. They finally got the guy.
Michael Cutter: Oh, great.

Connie Rubirosa: Yeah, so Brian got drunk, I watched to make sure he didn't do anything stupid...nothing really out of the ordinary except I thought to myself, he's acting weird lately...and I thought, it's probably just because of the stuff with his son...
Michael Cutter: Oh, right. That's not good.

Connie Rubirosa: *takes another drink, sets her glass down* So I make sure he gets to his building okay and he's got this stupid smirk on his face and he says, "Do I get a goodnight kiss?" *she's been playing with her hands the whole time*
Michael Cutter: *eyeroll*
Connie Rubirosa: I--just sort of said, you know, what? And he said he was joking...but he had this look...and just...the way he's been acting lately, some of the stuff he's been saying to me...I asked him if he had actually been serious about the statement...*quiet* And he said 'maybe'.
Michael Cutter: Oh. That must've been awkward.

Connie Rubirosa: It-wasn't what I was expecting at all, and I don't really understand it...I mean I've never thought of him as anything other than an annoying brother-type...
Michael Cutter: ...are you changing your mind?
Connie Rubirosa: What??
Michael Cutter: *isn't accusing her*
Michael Cutter: Just....are you rethinking that? Is that why you're upset?

Connie Rubirosa: *hadn't even thought of that, is sort of upset that he'd think she would* No. *now there are tears in her eyes* He's just-my friend and he's not supposed to think of me like that and it really weirds me out that he does, or that he has.

Michael Cutter:Oh....*tries to take her hand* I'm sorry. I just thought - you know, you’ve known him a while, and I thought you two were good friends.
Connie Rubirosa: *moves her hand away* And just because he's an idiot and tries to make a drunken move, I'm supposed to all of a sudden want more?
Connie Rubirosa: Oddly enough, I don't do that with every guy I work with.
Michael Cutter: I didn't think you did!

Connie Rubirosa: Then why did you ask??
Michael Cutter: I thought you were closer to Brian than most - you've known him longer than me, and you really seemed upset.
Michael Cutter: I'm not accusing you here, Connie.

Connie Rubirosa: But you think I'd just....*puts her hands over her eyes, rubbing at falling tears*
Michael Cutter: No....Connie. I know what a rough time you've had. I thought - I thought you couldn't just be this upset if it was just a drunk outburst. I didn't think it would get to you this much.
Connie Rubirosa: *looks up, kind of sad* It's just been a really long day...and that was just...the icing on it...
Michael Cutter: I'm sorry. *tries to take her hand again*
Connie Rubirosa: *lets him take her hand, quiet*

Michael Cutter: He doesn't really mean anything, Connie.
Connie Rubirosa: The way he's been acting lately, I don't know...*quiet*...*looks back at him, that sort of sad look again* You really thought I'd just...disregard...you?

Michael Cutter: It wouldn't have been disgregarding, Connie. We just started. If you needed to re-evaluate, that wouldn't be a crime. I wouldn't have been happy with it, but I'd have understood. I thought we were fine - but...I work a lot. I know that. And I can be inattentive.

Connie Rubirosa: I work a lot too. *quiet* It's something I understand, and I went into this knowing about and-and being okay with. I haven't found you inattentive. I've--found you thoughtful and kind--and probably some other things that are probably too soon to be listing at only having been officially dating for a couple of weeks...and...I'm gonna stop talking now.

Michael Cutter: *leans over and kisses her*
Connie Rubirosa: *kisses him back, sort of relieved*
Michael Cutter: Thank you.
Connie Rubirosa: For?
Michael Cutter: Being you.
Connie Rubirosa: *quizzical look*
Michael Cutter: *shrugs, kisses her again*
Connie Rubirosa: *kisses him back, finally relaxing*

Michael Cutter: *quietly* That’s why, darling, it's incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable too
Connie Rubirosa: *doesn't know quite what to say to that, smiles a little, almost shyly*
Michael Cutter: *kisses her again*

cutter, rp moment, peluso

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