Trick or Treat...(an RP moment)

Oct 31, 2007 17:35

After leaving the Halloween party, Connie takes the subway to Danny’s apartment in midtown and gets off, preparing to drop off Bruno, change, and then head to night court.  It isn’t till she’s at the door of his building that she realizes something important.  She reaches for her bag-the one with her change of clothes, her purse and the key-and realizes that it’s not there.  Dumbly, she looks at the basket with the dog that she’s holding and back in the direction of the subway station.


Bruno looks up at her with confused eyes.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit.”

The only things she has are a dog in a basket and her MetroCard, which she’s tucked into her Dorothy apron pocket.  It dawns on her that she has to be in court in half an hour. No time to find a payphone to call anyone - not that she has money to - no time for anything but hauling ass to the municipal court building.  In costume.  She lets out an annoyed groan and starts heading back to the subway, clutching her precious MetroCard.

Half an hour later…

After arriving at the municipal court building, Connie wanders the halls until she comes to the corridor that is home to night court.  There are people dressed as hookers and bums and thugs and flashers-and then she realizes that they aren’t wearing costumes.

Swallowing, she pushes open the doors to the court room and goes in, full speed ahead.  If she is forced to do this, she may as well get it over with.  She just hopes that Bruno will be relatively quiet.

When she does this, she almost runs into a large, 6’7 bald man.

“Hey! Watch it, Dorothy!” he bellows.

Connie jumps.  “…sorry. I’m-just here to prosecute…”

“Ooooh.” The man breaks into a smile.  “Well then come right in.”  He grins wider, sticking out his hand.  “Bull Shannon, I’ll be your bailiff.”

Connie recognizes the name-Fielding says he knows this man. “Ah….you’re friends with EADA Fielding?”

Bull grows more excited.  “I sure am!”  He looks down, noticing Bruno’s little face peeping out from the basket.  “Awww, a dog!”

Before he can go on, the judge’s voice calls out from the front of the room.  “Has the prosecution arrived yet?”

Connie gulps, holding on tightly to the basket with Bruno and heads up quickly, her ruby heels clacking against the floor.  She takes her place at the prosecution’s table, apologizing before she’s even looked up at the judge.

“I’m so terribly sorry for my attire-”  She pauses, mid-sentence, when she realizes that the judge is wearing a bright red clown nose-“…Your…Honor…”

Judge Harold T. Stone merely grins, as if amused by the baffled look on the young ADA’s face.  Funnily enough, it reminds him of the first few times Dan Fielding stepped foot in his courtroom.

“No need to apologize, Ms….Rubirosa.  Why, you’re one of Dan’s attorneys, aren’t you?” Harry asks.

Connie smiles weakly.  “….yes?”

Harry chuckles, “Well, I’ll be darned. Won’t this be fun!”  He continues smiling and honks the clown nose, which makes a squeaky noise.

As Bull the nearly-seven-foot-tall Bailiff begins reading the charges for the new case, Connie looks around.  She realizes that as promised, Riley Toth is at the defense table, in full costume as…the Joker?  She also realizes his client is a hooker who’s up on solicitation charges.

Glancing from them to the hulking bailiff to the judge with the clown nose and then down to her own gingham-clad self, Connie lets out a sigh. Just as she does, Bruno lets out a little yip.  She looks down to the chair where she set the basket and sees him peeking his head out.

“Well, Toto,” she murmurs, “We’re not in Kansas any more.”

halloween, rp moment

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