I've been away for the summer caring for my mom. Between work and family issues, I've had little time for lj. I'm going to be around now and again for the Lost DVD premiere and season 2, though. ^__^ School starts up again soon...I don't know why. It seems like education never ends, but I don't mind too much. Thanks everyone for your support and I'll be on as often as I can!
Good news is I read HBP and
cmere1...your pr0n recs do me in!
Bad news is...am I the only one who supports Harry/Ginny? *crickets* I guess so...
More bad news: my comp is shit. I kid you not, every few weeks another program decides to stop working. I have no Word! Is six years really that old for a PC? Oh well. I can't afford a new one...I just got a new (used) car! At this point I'm willing to join a pyramid scam if I can earn cash.