Конечно, это американский президент виноват

Dec 08, 2017 16:33

в том, что некое существо с палестинским флагом в руках напало на еврейский ресторан в Амстердаме. Кто же, если не президент?
(Существо, разумеется, отпустили)


Французские ( Read more... )

france, terror, palestinians, jerusalem, israel, trump, antifa, us politics, middle east, arabs

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Comments 6

tandem_bike December 8 2017, 22:47:03 UTC
and two police officers looked on. The man, a 29-year-old with a temporary residence permit, has been released pending further investigation of his actions, police said."""""

i wonder what they will investigate. and why he was not deported for breaking law and windows - on a temporary residence permit.

europeans are fucked up. i am sorry to say this put loud - they deserve this. how many kids will now go shoplifting in china? mind youy, china is no north korea. but. how many punks can smash windows in singapore? after 100 lashes, few.

europe is encouraging vandalism, really. and chaos.


yury December 9 2017, 00:08:41 UTC
> i wonder what they will investigate. and why he was not deported
Do you really wonder, or is that a rhetorical wonderment? :-)


tandem_bike December 9 2017, 00:30:59 UTC
rhetorical. my last sentence expresses what i feel - if this is how they behave, then they deserve anything they get. by not deporting a vandal/hooligan they are acknowledging that his crime is somehow DIFFERENT - and legitimizing more of such.

of course, if there is a record of letting all vandals on temporary visas out, i will change my opinion and call them not antisemite shits but just stupid.


yury December 9 2017, 01:22:13 UTC
Embrace the healing power of "and." (c)
They are both.


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