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Feb 09, 2017 15:47

 A small town in Hesse has removed a children's song about a fox stealing a goose from its repertoire of town hall bell melodies, after a vegan resident became quite upset.

The storybook town of Limburg an der Lahn in Hesse enjoys serenading its residents with melodies played by its town hall glockenspiel - an instrument made up of chimes, also called a carillon.

The tunes included the classic 19th century children’s song Fuchs, Du hast die Gans gestohlen - “Fox, you stole the Goose”. That is, it included the folk tune until a vegan woman complained.

The song describes a mischievous fox who steals a goose, and the singer warns the bushy-tailed creature that the hunter will now likely kill him.

Town spokesman Johannes Laubach said on Thursday that the tune reminded the woman of the song's lyrics, which tell the fox: “the hunter will get you with his gun”.
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europe, germany, vegans, idiots, political correctness

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