
May 19, 2010 16:55

Thousands of jobs have fled in the last few years. A thousand businesses closed in 2008, and 3,000 more last year. One cause was the national recession. But O’Malley also passed the largest tax increase in Maryland history in 2007. He bumped the sales tax from 5 percent to 6 percent and raised the corporate income tax from 7 percent to 8.25 percent. The following year O’Malley increased the millionaire’s tax from 4.75 percent to 6.25 percent.

According to the Tax Foundation, Marylanders carry the fourth highest tax burden in the nation, and the state ranks 45th in business tax climate.  Already, nearly one third of Maryland’s millionaires have fled, according to the “Rich States Poor States” study published by the free-market American Legislative Exchange Council, taking $100 million in tax revenue with them. 

The story of defense giant Northrop Grumman shows what it means to be in the JV of business-friendly states. Looking to relocate its headquarters from California to the Washington area, Northrop Grumman weighed the pros and cons of Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Maryland. In April, the company chose Virginia. The corporation will take over $30 million in tax revenue to the Old Dominion and hundreds of jobs.


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Демократические власти нашего графства только что повысили  нам налог на электричество на скромные 150 процентов.

md, dems, ehrlich, taxes

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