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Dec 05, 2024 19:20

I enjoy music as many people do, and I've even tried my hand at playing some instruments in my time. My first serious attempts at learning began with playing the saxophone (now it would be an oboe or flute), and then later a guitar before I realized that I didn't enjoy it partially due to the texture of the strings. Acoustic guitars sound great, for instance, but to me there is something unpleasant about striking or picking away at them that influenced my decision to focus on keyboard instruments. While I don't have a real piano, I do have an Alesis Q88 MIDI controller that comes with a diverse number of instruments to experiment with when the sample library isn't in a state of total corruption. It's versatile and satisfying to play, although the keys are plastic and lightweight compared to a real piano or some professional gadget.

You can do almost anything with it by utilizing DAWs if you have the patience and knowledge to set it up correctly, although I certainly don't. It's easy enough to just get basic instruments and start playing, however, and that's good enough for me. I greatly enjoy the glass piano that came with my freebie instrument packs, but there are plenty of others to use as well. I was hoping that there would be a harpsichord, but it doesn't seem to be a default selection on a number of DAWs/programs that I tried. Most of the stringed and brass instruments that I've played with sound a bit artificial or flat, but I can't complain too much.

Speaking of strings, I wonder how I would enjoy using a bow on them? Maybe I'll have the chance to try it out one of these days, but any future instrument acquisitions will likely fall into the woodwind department. Perhaps the enchanted melody of the zauberflot will lift my spirits this winter, and by the melting of the snows might even cheer others who hear it rather than annoy them.

Whatever the case may prove to be, I'm sure I will find something to amuse myself with sooner or later. My mind keeps drifting back to a certain setting that I created around about a couple of months ago, and which I keep coming up with scraps of history for. I'd like to make it a more idyllic world in some respects than our own, but I keep coming up with the sorts of hydeous deeds that one finds in just about every human chronicle. They say a good heart brings about more good things like itself, so what does that say about me? "Touch pitch, and blacken the hand".

I suppose that's all that I have to talk about for the moment. Maybe I will have a few nice dreams to record this weekend if I can remember to set my intentions, because I have a lot of sleepin' in planned.

Until then, I'll try to use my rapidly extinguishing life....wisely.


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