verses, character & mun info

Jan 04, 2011 02:03

personal canon
Peter is taken from the middle of season 2, while he is in the future in New York, prior to regaining his memories. He can also be played anywhere between seasons 1-4, though I feel that I have a stronger handle on him in seasons 1 & 2 than the later seasons. (This may change, pending canon review.)

Kannagara | (dropped)

mun info
I am Kuri! In general, I'm pretty laid back about the types of plots and things I get Peter into and am open to just about anything. Whether you're interested in writing a tragic love story, some crazy action-packed violent explodey garbage, ridicuolus crack, or random porn, chances are I'm up for it, if I can find some way to ICly wiggle Peter into whatever plot.

I have a tendency to veer towards tldr, especially in emotional threads/logs and like to play with people who enjoy tldr as well. This isn't to say I don't like comment spam, just that I think there's a time and place for everything, and I do prefer prose when things are more emotional and/or when there is more intense/serious CR going on. I'm a huge fan of internal monologues/narrative introspection and experimental writing.
squicks → I'm not easily squicked as long as I'm spoken to about whatever idea you have in mind. Chances are I'd be open to it!

shipping → I pretty much am open to shipping Peter with just about anyone as long as it's realistically done -- this means open to panfandom shipping. I absolutely don't force ships/push ships onto anyone, so don't be worried about that if you are! (Incidentally: I write a lot of Peter/Caitlin mostly for S2 plot continuity, but am not really huge on shipping it. I don't mind Peter/Caitlin, but it's not one of my favorite ships ever.)

pet peeves → Metagaming/Godmoding -- please don't do it, it'll drive me insane. Lack of narrative chronology -- in which the idea of time passing in a conversation is completely not respected. Small text can be a little difficult for me too, but that's because I fail forever at life and have eye/migraine issues from too much reading due to my career. Inconsistent characterization -- I don't think anyone likes OOC characters.
If there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask! My contact info can be found here.

verses, ooc, character info

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