Atlas Encyclopedia

Jun 14, 2018 00:10

All the information about Atlas people want - and don't want! - in one handy place, this is an OOC guide to everything a person could want to know about this world. (Hopefully, an IC Guide might come along, but this thing's a sure bet for OOC information.)

General Plot Summary: Very basic and general recap of what's happened so far in-game.
Current Affection: How characters feel about each other in-game. (Whether they like each other or not, chances are that they've met at least once.)
Genis's Letter to Off-Worlders: An IC Guide to Atlas and the basics.

General World Map: No use in leaving without a map! This page contains information on all cities and geographic points of interest currently in play.
Cheagle Inns: Every town in Atlas - for some strange reason - has an Inn designed around Cheagles. Find out what they look like here!
Blessenwood: More information about Blessenwood, the Earthly Village and the town closest to the World Tree.
Ouin: More information about Ouin, the City of the Future and the most technologically-advanced place in Atlas.
Port Merrium: More information about The Jewel of the Seas, prior to and after the sea serpent attacks.
Unicia: More information about Unicia, the Haven of the Elves and home to much of the world's lore.
Wulderworth: More information on the Gallant City.
Nahlan: More information on the Desert Oasis.

Guild Listing: A list of all the guilds in Atlas, as well as their current role in the world.
Ad Libitum Membership Roster: See who's part of Ad Libitum at the moment.
How to Join Guilds: Self-explanatory; this explains how to join Ad Libitum/the Black Dream/other Atlas guilds and how to switch between branches of a guild!
Sample Ad Libitum Quests: Explains what quests look like in Ad Libitum and how characters can take them.
The Black Dream: Learn more about the Black Dream, Atlas's fine arts guild, and the role it plays in Atlas at the moment.

Elves: Want to know more about elves in Atlas? Then check out this handy guide.
NPC List: Ever wondered who Arielle Minhas or Timothy Drakensgard was? This page contains quick bios on each NPC introduced in the game, as well as their current roles within this world.

Class List: All the Classes currently available in Atlas and how a character can change his/her class.
Summon Spirits and Alliances: Do you want a summon spirit in battle? Then here's an OOC guide on how to form an alliance with one of Atlas's eight elemental summon spirits.
Unison Attacks: Perform a super-strong attack with your friends--or at least, learn how characters can do it in-game.
Mystic Artes: How they function in the game and how players can re-acquire/acquire them in battle.

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