Aug 02, 2011 19:27
So, as I've no doubt mentioned too many times this last month, I'll be going back up to Alaska to take part in the summer gathering. I'll have semi-reliable internet access while I'm away, starting Thursday, but there's no telling when I'll be able to get on my laptop. Between hiking, hunting, foraging, fishing, cleaning salmon, filleting salmon, de-boning salmon, packaging salmon, cutting salmon into strips, soaking salmon in brine, drying salmon, candying salmon, smoking salmon, freezing salmon, curing venison, butchering venison, making venison jerky, piloting skiffs, studying chemistry, studying math, and attending a totem pole raising, I'm probably not going to have much down time.
I'll try to get some good pictures of the totem raising, if anyone is interested. Failing that, I'll at least get some pictures of the outdoor totem display in Klawock.
pyrry has bad timing,