Party! Arche, her sidekick Genis, anyone feel free to join up along the way.
Location! Port Merrium
Goal! Scavenger hunt~
Affection! Pending
Status! Open~
[Arche flew around the busy town searching for a house that might possibly contain an underwear of an old lady with Genis, boy was she glad that Asch had decided make a stop here otherwise she missed on the fun around here. Too bad Mao was off limits otherwise she'd recruit him right off the bat, but she suppose it was unfair seeing as he was the who made the list... Oh? Arche stopped her musings as she spotted an old grandmotherly lady leaving what seems to be home. She grinned, what a perfect time to steal what they need, hopefully before she comes back.]
Hey Genis. I think we found our target~♥