Jul 13, 2011 21:13
((OOC: During round two of the tournament.))
[In the Wuldorwurth coliseum a drizzle starts. That drizzle slowly grows in momentum to become a shower and then a torrent. It seems, for all their gald, the nobles didn't think to put a roof over the whole of their newest project. Pretty soon the stage and the audience both are dripping, and there's no end in sight to the rain. A rain which seems to have come out of nowhere.]
[A little girl bounces on her heels, one arm lugging a bag of umbrellas, the other clutching a microphone.]
Hey, izzit still working? Yeah? Yeah! Sorry about the wet but I got umbrellas for everbody so maybe they'll help keep the water out. All of the matches are not-canceled and we hope you're not 'llergic to rain or anything! We're going till there's a winner!
[A pause, as a tall man approaches, stoops down, whispers something in the child's ear.]
Uh-huh! 'Kay! Can I have your 'ttention? People, there's some guy named Johnny missing. Has anyone seen Johnny? Oh yeah, and the umbrellas are free!
npc: china mackary,
anise tatlin