Title: Our Love's Just a Travesty
Overall Rating: NC17
Summary: Being a werewolf isn't so bad, but being a werewolf that's attracted to Kurt Hummel is. And so is the fact that Kurt's more than just a little bit irresistible.
Chapter Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,032
Author's Note: Terrible summary, I know, but it's the best I could come up with without rewriting the intro.
Those who aren’t native to Lima, Ohio will likely never have heard of the small town, so it’s really no surprise that it’s secret is so well kept. Besides, who would believe you if you were to tell someone that the town holds werewolves in it’s midst? The answer? Very few people, if not no one at all.
But it is true. There are werewolves. And most of Lima’s population is somewhat aware of that fact in one way or another. Though no one is really sure how they came to be and why Lima of all places, but every one's learned not to question it too much. At least the town isn’t infested with brain-eating zombies, right? ‘Cause that would be one gory, chaotic disaster that would be best left alone to one’s sick imagination.
It’s all fine though, unless you’re a werewolf too, Puck thinks. Because if you’re a werewolf you get a heightened sense of smell, hearing, sight, just about everything, really. And it makes it that much harder to concentrate or even to relax. And Puck can be the first to tell you that going to school with several hundred other students can be very distracting as well as repulsive, when you can smell just how many days a person has gone without stepping under the shower.
It doesn’t help that the only scent that he’s actually attracted to is Hummel’s, ‘cause even though Puck’s bad ass enough to pull off being a fag and look cool doing it, too, he isn’t gay. Besides, Kurt would probably try to behead him or something, and while he’s tiny, Puck knows that the kid can do serious damage if he’s pissed off enough, and Puck would rather not know the extent of said damage.
So he ignores it. Ignores the way he calms down whenever he and Kurt are in the same room; it’s probably one of the main reasons that he had joined glee club besides the fact that a lot of chicks dig guys with guitars and a nice voice. He also ignores the change that Hummel had apparently undergone over the summer and how he’d grown taller and his face had lost it’s baby fat, cheek and jaw bones defined like those male models in those Vogue magazines that Kurt always reads, he also ignores the way that his face and voice always seem to appear whenever he’s jacking off.
He’s not sure how well it’s working, because Kurt is smart and he can figure things out pretty quickly even though he stays quiet about his revelations most of the time. And if his looks lately directed at Puck are anything to go by, he probably has his suspicions, but, thankfully, isn’t bringing any attention to them.
Besides, it’s not as if it’s anything other than a hopefully short phase that Puck will go through and then go back to normal. It’s not he’s supposed to mate with Hummel or anything, and oh God what if that actually does happen? Werewolves generally mate with people that are best fit to carry their kids and pass on the gene that seems to be recessive. Kurt can’t also be a carrier, can he?
Sure, carriers aren’t very ‘rare’ anymore but there are so few of them that at any average public high school it would be hard to find more than two or three in total. And most often they don’t know whether or not they’re carriers or not, as they look like any other male on the outside, but have a female reproductive system inside. So unless they go to a doctor to find out just what they have inside their bodies, it’s probable that they have no idea that they can get pregnant.
Though Puck isn’t sure why they’d go to find out anyways, the thought of his own body swelled up has his nerves on end each time it comes across his brain, so he couldn’t imagine being told that, basically, you’re a chick on the inside. Though Puck probably wouldn’t be too surprised if Kurt were to be a carrier, he looks like a chick, sounds like a chick, dresses like a chick, might as well be a girl on the inside, too.
But Puck can’t think about that because no way in hell is his mate going to be a guy, no matter how much he resembles a girl, because that just isn’t cool. So what if he has to chase after and fuck anything with legs and a pussy to keep his mind from straying back to Kurt? At least that isn’t affecting his status at school.
Sure, some of the freshmen girls are scared to go near him most of the time, with only a few of the braver ones with the intent of boosting their status at school allowing him to fuck them (and for the record, the younger ones are always the worst; they bleed all over the place and start crying in the middle of sex, instant boner kill). And a few girls think he’s an asshole, but it’s not something that he’s used to.
Being a stud means that you can have any girl you want, or in other words, having at least three different girls a week. It also means that among the guys, you’re like a God for getting so much sex. And that is something that Puck isn’t going to give up just because Hummel’s scent, which smells like a mix of flowers and something more musky and from the woods, is this close to driving him insane.
And even though Kurt keeps giving him looks each time Puck sits a few seats away from him in Glee or each time that Puck zones out and he happens to be staring at Kurt (which is more often than not, unfortunately), he’ll just go through this phase with hopefully as little bumps as possible and then mate with some girl after college when he’s gotten all the ass that he possibly could.
Because no way in hell that Puck is attracted to Kurt Hummel, he’s just attracted to how much he looks like a chick.