Jan 01, 2011 22:48
Never look up your symptoms online. Chances are you'll find a huge list of possible diseases, and even if you pick the least scary-sounding one, you'll still freak yourself out. =/
Honestly, I have such bad luck with these sorts of things. I mean, as if it's not bad enough that I've had blood drawn out for different types of blood tests three times in about five weeks. Is it possible to get needle scars if they're done professionally and not ~drug style? >.>
But seriously, five weeks ago, I had a minor cold, and I sort of played it up a little to try and get my dad to take me to a hospital so the doctor could give me a note to skip school the next day or something.
Instead, I find out that my Hgb is about 9.1 (which is very bad, in case you're wondering), and that I need to see a specialist doctor or whatever to see what's going on.
I go two weeks later, they take three vials of blood and the result is that it's up to 10.3 (still bad, even though I gained like ten pounds eating like so much more 'cause my iron was so low), and I end up being diagnosed with anemia. The doctor tells me to go see a gynecologist, 'cause it could be my period's fault or whatever.
I go about a week later, the doctor says it's not my period causing it, so we have to go back to the previous doctor and maybe try to work through what could be causing the iron deficiency.
And then a week later (a few days ago) my mom finally goes to take me to a orthopedic surgeon to see what's up with my elbows that have been on and off swelling for the past six or so months. He asks a couple of questions and is finally all like, it could be this disease with a really weird scientific name that starts with an m (my memory sucks, I know), but basically it's a joint infection.
It was a whole WTF moment for me, 'cause I'd never heard of such a thing, but anyways, they take blood from me again (three vials again) and I'm going back tomorrow to see the results.
Really, my body is fucked up and I hate it for being so mean to me. My elbows are in so much fucking pain and I can barely run properly anymore because of how much my knees hurt after like, three seconds.
But yeah, this was mostly a rant because I'm freaking out and I'm so worried about the results, 'cause I know there's something wrong, 'cause your joints don't hurt you for no reason at all. So yeah, I don't feel much better, but at least I got that off my chest. >.>
I'm so waiting for a doctor to diagnose me with cancer or something, with all the weird diseases I keep on getting throughout my life.
Let's hope it's nothing too drastic, and treatment is easy enough.
i hate hospitals,