Begging yet again.

Jul 28, 2005 18:11

So I start feild work tomarrow, I work from 9:45am till 8pm (or so). I got paid my last paycheck from banner today, which I expected to be atleast $400, it was $270... My car insurance is $263. it costs me about $5 a day to get to where I need to go for work (currently) In gas alone, I have no money for food, let alone more gas, or other nice things like cigarettes. I have to wait another 15 days to transfer the money from my banner 401k to my bank account, which is $495, but will be taxed and penalized... So... Once again the "donate to save the endangered Adrian" button will appear. I have my paypal account verified now, so I can actuly GET the money from it now.

In return for any donation of $20 or more I will offer any service I have availible to me. Yes, I know I am a loser.
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