Aug 27, 2008 04:59
I can't be what you all know me as anymore...
I feel like such a new person that I don't even think I can even describe how I feel.
I'm done with people who are only my friend when I have something to offer them. I'm done with pretending to be something I am not, just to make you happy, or to ease you insecurities, or misconceived notions of how my life should be. I will not submit to what you think is right or wrong.
This is my life. Not yours. And I am more happy then I have ever been in my life. I feel safe and loved. I feel like this life, this feeling, this power, is worth fighting for. Its worth letting go of what is left of many of my "friendships", or the sake of not letting them hold me down. There is no coming back. I don't want to come back.
I am going to re-invent my "online self", and this person you know will no longer be here. My advice to you is, get over it. Move on with your life, as I am. If you find the new me (which will not be hard to do), I may or may not add you, or respond to your messages. If I do not, know that you are remembered well, but forgotten better.
So mote it be!