Anyone have luck getting Gulliver's items? I'm never on for any length of time in the morning once I've checked on the hybrids, so I think I've seen Gulliver once since I started playing the game three or so months ago. I'd like the Tribal Mask, Moai Statue, and Merlion for my house. In the interest of laziness, if anyone has one of them and wants to sell it to me, I'll pay a lot more than Nook offers for same.
overthemoon12, I have momma cat looking for a kitten.
Free/Catswap Area: There is a large pile of random stuff in front of the Town Hall for catswapping. If there's something there you really want, feel free to keep it, but please don't take stuff off the ground just to turn around and sell it to Nook. If you need money, there's plenty of fruit.
alias_007, I have extra flowers in the free/swap area too. It's all inside the area marked with a white border on the ground. PLEASE be extra careful of all my flowers and hybrids. No running! Turnips are going for 67 bells.
My mundane "wants of the moment" are a croton and a turntable.
The little tart's trying to leave again. Her house is the "white rose" one.
I won't actually be on the DS, but ping me here if you need something.