Letter Month is almost upon us. Are you excited? I am. If you can’t be bothered to click on the link, the short version is, it’s a month where you send people real, physical things in the mail, and they send you things in return. It’s awesome. You should do it.
Despite including a picture of a typewriter here, I (alas) do not actually have access to a functioning Underwood typewriter at the moment. I do however have a fancy new quill set given to me by my lovely spouse, which I’m dying to try out. So, if you want a smeary, illegible, possibly disastrous missive from me, sent by honest to goodness mail, you should sign up and friend me. I’m on as A.C. Wise.
Fair warning, I may mail you glitter. I promise to at least try to keep said glitter somewhat contained. (Guarantee void in all places you may live/visit/ever pass through, just in case.) Join me! I look forward to sending you things!
Originally published at
A.C. Wise. You can comment here or