Apr 22, 2004 22:42
Ol Blue Eyes would have to be one of my favorite singers, and i have been listening to a few of his songs lately and thats about it on this subject (activate ADD protocol)
Other then that i thought id say thanks to Eve (your probably like WTF?), because youve been really cool and tolerant of my stupidity at times. Well as they say in that legendary 80's song..."ya dont know what you got till its gone" and since you may not be here next year, i just wanted to say that ive really enjoyed all the cool times weve had ya know? T_T Im not sure you really get to see how much i enjoy your company (and i dont know why i dont just tell it to you straight on the bus :P, im weird like that i guess), partly my fault for being so...how can i say it (looks back at some other journal entries, ah there it is!) cold at times. But anyway as i always say...lets kick some ASS!!! (you already know how bad my word choice is so this shouldnt be that unusual to you). So really i just wanted you to know that...ooooh maybe i can go over this weekend and we can play some Need for Speed ^_^ (engaging ADD protocol)...
ooooh look a bird...(activite hyper ADD)...oooh a spid...no wait a wor...wait no a clou...wait no...*brain overload* ~::explodes::~
Ja, ne minna-san...