Grade success!

May 12, 2006 09:30

Hey everyone! Another week has passed, and I am finished with finals! This semester, I managed 4 A's and one B or C. I still have to turn in a couple late assignment to try to turn it into a solid B. I'm planning on running those up to campus in a few hours.

Aside from final completion, not much else has been going on. Most of my friends are going out of town for the summer, but it looks like there will be several really cool people sticking around. Plus I have Daniel, which is ALWAYS nice. It is some what frustrating to have to rebuild my social network again, but I've gotten much better at meeting and retaining new friends.

Oh, I found out that one of my old neighbors is staying in Fayetteville this summer. I grew up with her and her brother, so I'm looking forward to getting back in touch. Also, I understand that she smokes herb now, which makes for a nice common bond.

Speaking of, I'm planning on taking at least a week off from cannabis when I return from visiting family this weekend. Now, I'm not abandoning the movement or anything like that. Cannabis has helped me so much; I haven't needed any synthetic drugs since August, and my overall health has been on a steady uptick. I've actually been gaining weight! At any rate, I've been thinking back, and I can't recall a time in my life when I wasn't dependent on caffeine, corn syrup, processed sugar, and various pharmaceuticals that I was told I needed to be healthy. Now that I'm off all of that, I feel SO much better, but there are some (mild) side effects to extended cannabis use. So I would like to see how it feels to be completely substance free. However, cannabis will remain my medicine of choice next time illness returns, and it's definitely more healthy and less intoxicating than alcohol for college gatherings. But, as with anything, its important to keep cannabis use in perspective, and thats why I'm clearing my head for a while.

The Fayetteville segment of the Million for Marijuna March went swimmingly. We had a couple hundred people show up for the concert, then at least a hundred of us marched down Dickson Street to the Federal Building to demand full legalization. Along the way, countless bystanders where cheering us on, and we encountered no outward hostility. It was a very encouraging experience, and I definitely enjoyed having a public forum to express my views. Everyone seems to think I've got a knack for public speaking, so they keep having me make the speeches. I do enjoy it though.

Daniel and I are heading down to Hot Springs tomorrow for Mother's Day. Should be returning sometime Monday. After that, it is time I acquired one of those job things. Exciting times. Also, Summer Classes approach at the end of the month, and that should be fun as well. At any rate, I will keep my readers updated on the continuing saga that is my life. Peace friends!
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