Drunken injuries

Aug 16, 2006 15:16

Went to a house warming party on Monday night. Girl who's sort of been family friend/was in my class at primary school sort of person is moving into her first flat that she's bought and done up etc so she was having people round to celebrate. Of course, as always with everyone i seem to know this turned into a huge piss up and everyone ended up extremely drunk and splitting up their various ways. Some people from my college were there, some that were in my art class so i ended up hanging around with them for the night. And, of course, just to be polite ended up being extremely drunk and going clubbing, which if you know me, you'd know i'd have to be very drunk to do. Anyway. A point to this tale. I woke up on Tuesday morning with the most amount of drunken injuries i think i've ever had.

Injury number one : A sliced open finger, from when i was running down some metal stairs at the back of said flat and caught it on spikey metal.

Injury number two : my already broken toe, swollen up again because people kept standing on it.

injury number three : a bruise all the way up my left arm from when i some how ended up in the next door neighbours house which was two random 26 year old PHD students and i walked into their door.

Injury number four: In club, i realise 'why am i in a club?' and say my goodbyes. Drunken state me makes it to exit which has a flight of stairs between me and the door. I stand at the top and completely fall down them from top to bottom, which i must admit was hilarious. But caused a huge bruise on my arse/leg.

Injury number five : bruise on my right arm from trying to grab stair case arm rail

injury number six : pulled stomach muscles, from fall and from absolutely pissing myself laughing for about ten minutes with the bloke who, thank God, caught me at the bottom.

Injury number Seven: After talking to said bloke for a while, got myself into a taxi, went home, made tea, burnt my tongue.

Went to bed. Woke up in alot of pain.

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