Icons for hamarakissa

Nov 30, 2011 20:04


As you may remember i made a threat over the Susan G. Komen's 3-Day for the Cure (3dayforthecure where i offered icons. hamarakissa won the auction and those are the 10 icons i did for her! She was very kind to give me mostly fandoms that i knew and would easily work with (mainly The Vampire Diaries) and although 2 others ones where new to me i still did my best and the important thing is that she liked the final results!
I am now wanting to know your opinion. I did inovate and tried a lot in this batch,as i have been doing lately, and even thought i may not be 100% satisfied i see some good points out in my icons that i can work more and more next times. Feedback is of course very much welcome and highly apprciated!
Important note: icons are not shareable, this way they are posted in one image only and not individually, please do not take any icon!

01: The Secret Circle
02: Nikita
03: Grey's Anatomy
04-10: The Vampire Diaries

Not shareable.

What about a texture set tomorrow?

tv: the secret circle, !icons, tv: nikita, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: the vampire diaries

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