huhuhu... apaan sih garing. emang sih rada stupid. but jealusy-YTora is what i need in this boring and annoying day!!! oh my god sarrrr, i love you soooo much!!! XDDD
Tora stood behind Hiroto and ripping the wing.
*laughs her ass off* hell, the mental image. Tora's expression, grumpy-little-old-man!!!! XDDDDDD wakakakakakk!!! tak bisa berenti ketawa!!!
huhuhu, tora keren, tora macan dudul nan tampan. tora macan tampan nan dudul, tora tukang cemburuan, cemburu buat yg tak penting, tora kekanak2an, toraaaaaa!!!!!! *rape him*
Comments 13
huhuhu... apaan sih garing. emang sih rada stupid. but jealusy-YTora is what i need in this boring and annoying day!!!
oh my god sarrrr, i love you soooo much!!! XDDD
Tora stood behind Hiroto and ripping the wing.
*laughs her ass off*
hell, the mental image. Tora's expression, grumpy-little-old-man!!!! XDDDDDD wakakakakakk!!! tak bisa berenti ketawa!!!
huhuhu, tora keren, tora macan dudul nan tampan. tora macan tampan nan dudul, tora tukang cemburuan, cemburu buat yg tak penting, tora kekanak2an, toraaaaaa!!!!!! *rape him*
why thank you, i love you too! *cipika cipiki*
Tora's expression, grumpy-little-old-man!!!! >>> how dare you to said that?? he's not that old!! he just... just... Torapedo!!! LOL
he is!! Tora pedooo!! saking pedonya ampe lagaknya pun pedo bgt. duh, pedo.... XDDD
thank you for read ne~
they're such an idiot couple *giggles*
yay for ToraPon ^^
This was too cute. Good job!
HAHA♥♥♥. are you going to make a sequel to the other toraxhiroto fic? any? :) i love your fics. they make me squirm :)
i'll try to write the sequel ne~ until i get the muse to write it, i will let random bunnies come to my head...
awww, i like to make you squirm ^.~
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