When Passover starts I'm going to take a vacation to a magical land of seclusion, aka sitting in my cabin with the door shut and my fingers in my ears.
Haircuts. I'm still giving them. Free knuckle sandwich available upon request.
[Private to Armand St. Just:]Any better now
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Me too some days.
Let's meet for dinner in the gym. Shouldn't be too many people hanging around then.
Approaching Donny, he began sliding off his jacket and then grabbed his cap, laying both over a bench nearby.] "You still want to do this?"
[Of course Donny was just teasing, and probably would have followed it up with a nice punch to the arm if that hadn't been the reason they had met in the gym in the first place. He took off his coat and shirt and tossed them next to Costigan's with a grin.] "Limits. Let's set 'em. No punchin' in the groin, agreed?"
"Ready?" [Donny put his arms up and waited for Costigan to give the say-so.]
Calmly, his weight shifting from each foot, he slowly nodded his head in warning. He was eager for the fight, and for the sweat and blood that came with it, and he was going to strike first.
Donny jabbed his arm forward, just aiming towards the middle of Costigan's chest and nothing else yet.]
Immediately he launched a hook toward the area of Donny's kidneys, and then a jab at the front of his shoulder. The inmate had his own concerns about getting carried away, but he expected the former Nazi killer to be a bit more skilled in combat than himself and he wasn't used to really doing damage without a gun, some glass, or random other objects to throw at people or throw them into.]
When Costigan's fist hit his shoulder, Donny immediately threw one back towards the guy's face.]
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