Oct 06, 2002 13:59
Even though I'm on this fellowship where I'm not supposed to be working -- just relaxing and learning -- I still feel lots of work stress. I'm trying to write two book proposals (almost done with one), two articles, and my weekly column. Plus, I want to keep up with the classes I'm taking at MIT, as well as going to see as many interesting lectures as possible.
Maybe I'm just lazy and not career-hungry anymore, because all I really want to do is take a long walk through the woods. I mean, here I am in New England, and I haven't even seen real woods yet. I keep saying I'll take a weekend and drive up the coast or go to Vermont or something. But nooooooo. I have to work. Even though I'm not working.
Alright, enough complaining. I've had a good weekend -- went to see The Tuxedo yesterday (Jackie Chan gets funky!) and then went with Cthulia and Charliegrrrl to Drag Karaoke at Hollywood in Boston. And Jesse was able to get Firefly off of eDonkey in record time, so I'll get my Joss Whedon fix tonight. Yay.
OK, back to work . . . must write about why cameras are sexual machines.