Something Peeving Me

May 30, 2006 23:28

You know, I actually know (in real life) a good bit of you here on myspace and if you don't read journal or blogs (which is fine) you probably don't know but I'm a little sensative these days. I really am getting sick of people refering to me as an alcoholic or making reference to my drinking. I do love to go out and drink but no more than you or anyone else you know. Even if it is more than you and those you know, it's really not a nice thing to say or insinuate about a person. In fact if I were some raging alcoholic and couldn't hold a job down and was living on the street on the verge of selling my body for another bottle of booze then, it would be something really sad and no one would think that was funny. I'm a respectable citizen, I hold down a job, I do not (contrary to what you may think) drink EVERY night, in fact I don't drink until the week ends and I have no responsibilities, I don't spend every dime I make on drinking, and I'm 25 fucking years old, NOT the shim sham party girl I once was 6 years ago! I don't think that drinking like a frat boy is cool anymore, in fact I really only drink with my very close friends now to avoid any embarrassing situations. I don't think it's funny to be drunk and obnoxious! I'd really like it if people would STOP, please, saying shit about it. If we're friends in real life then it's pretty safe to say that I've seen you at some of your worst times when alcohol was involved and vise versa but I really don't feel like recalling those times over the internet so that people who DON'T know me can assume I'm some drunk idiot girls-gone-wild type. And for those of you who just live vicariously through my livejournal or my my space blog, you don't know me, I've never drank with you, you've never helped me get up when I fell or held my hair back when I've puked, you don't need to warn me not to drink too much I'm a very big girl, and just to relate to me you don't have to talk about getting drunk believe it or not, that's not what I do for a living so do us both a favor and keep it all to yourself!
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