It's going to be a long summer

May 06, 2009 08:39

So it turns out I can't take summer classes due to the fact that I don't have the money for it. SO everything has been pushed to the fall so financial aid will cover it. And plus, it's also going to be long because I can NOT stand the heat. Not looking forward to that.
I need to find out if Sandy and Paul want to go to the arts and crafts fair this year. Even if you don't buy anything, it's just one of those things that fun to go to and look around. Plus, sometimes they have some awesome pins! And something Angie and I both love...the fuuuuuuudge. ^_^

So nothing new has happened. The house is so quiet now, it's kind of creepy. At least he's not in pain anymore.
I've pretty much cut ties with most of our family now since we don't have to bother with them. Dad's siblings didn't give a damn about us before anyway, so we have nothing to do with them now. I don't even talk to my cousins on that side. They don't want to bother with us, why should we bother with them? Nicole still talks to me, shes from my mom's side of the family. Most of them are fine except for my grandparents. (Almost got in a fight with them over the whole gay rights thing on my Birthday lol. They think that being gay is a choice because they don't believe in most science, and that it's a crime. Oh, how they make me laugh!) It's funny that they call themselves "Christians" when all they do is hate people that are different. In fact, it seems like a lot of "Christians" are like that. That makes no's a religion based on the followings of Jesus, who loved and excepted everyone, yet all they due is judge and hate people. Hmm...and they say Progressive Christians aren't real Christians...whatever.
ANYWAY, most others on my mom's side are ok.

Sorry about that little rant, it just bothers me when people close their minds so much that they can't accept people for who they are or what they believe in. I'm sorry if I can't follow the bible word for word due to the fact that it was written by humans and corrupted by popes and kings and human beings are the most flawed creatures on Earth....Actually, no. I'm not sorry. Why should I be sorry for what I believe in?

Well anyway, if people feel like doing stuff this summer (not weekends...sorry) give me a call or email me or something. I'm free for the most part.
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