Name: Diana
Age: 21
Stamped as: Anna Hathaway
Three votes:
1. 5 positive words about yourself: Kind, Motherly, Cheerful, Protective, Girly
5 negative words about yourself: Stubborn, Short Tempered, Introverted, Sensitive, Scaredy
Describe what your life is like right now: Trying to get back on track to tell the truth, i just hope my family is able to do it
Describe your current love life & views of love: My love life is as existent as oxygen in the moon aka none. My views of love are a little limited since so far in my life i've only seen bad examples of it but i think that love is something that you need to be willing to give and to receive
Hobbies?Drawing, sleeping, watching tv and watching anime, playing with my dog, dancing, etc
Do you like spotlight?At all, i just like to be myself thanks
Do you/Did you watch Gossip Girl? Yeah
If so, did you like it? Of course, thou at times i admit i feel a little tired to watch it
If so, what's your favorite character/couple? WELL, right now i have no idea, Serena in S1 was my fav, as for couples....well if i REALLY have to pick then i'd say Nate/Vanessa and Nate/Serena
Introvert or Extrovert: Introverted quite a bit
Take or Give: Give
Life or Death: Life for lord's sake o_o;
Smiles or Tears: Smiles, it's depressing to see tears
Being lonely or with someone?: With someone, i hate being lonely
Are you:
[ ] Cunning
[x] Smart
[x] Kind
[x] Brave
[ ] Villainous
[ ] Naive
[ ] Normal
[ ] Kind of Crazy
[x] Caring
[/] Happy
[/] Sad