Name: Courtney Rose
Age: 22
Stamped as: Winona Ryder, Bonnie Wright
Three votes:
1. 5 positive words about yourself: Eccentric, Humorous, Witty, Intelligent, Compassionate
5 negative words about yourself: Procrastinator, Avoids Confrontation, Day-dreamy, Anxious, Sarcastic
Describe what your life is like right now: Pretty good. I'm 3 months away from graduating college and am applying to grad school, which is crazy stressful. I've got a lovely boyfriend and great friends, so I suppose everything is quite nice at the moment.
Describe your current love life & views of love: I've been with my boyfriend for about 2.5 years right now, and I love him dearly. I'm not the kind of girl who was always obsessed with love and has been planning their wedding since they were 9. I'm much more low-key; if it's meant to happen it will happen. Also I never want to get married or have children, which is blasphemous to most women/family members I talk to.
Hobbies? Reading, Art, Collages, the Internet, Fashion design, Makeup,
Do you like spotlight? Yep.
Do you watch Disney movies/shows? I used to a lot when I was younger. Now I usually only watch them when an old movie I love is on (the Classic Disney movies), though I do have a soft spot for the Jonas Brothers.
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert.
Take or Give: Give
Life or Death: Life
Smiles or Tears: Smiles
Being lonely or with someone?: With others.
Are you:
[x] Cunning
[x] Smart
[x] Kind
[x] Brave
[ ] Villainous
[ ] Naive
[ ] Normal
[x] Kind of Crazy
[x] Caring
[x] Happy
[ ] Sad