The Basics
• Name: Jacintha
• Are you over thirteen? Yeah
• How would you describe yourself? (includes strengths and flaws): Feisty, adventurous, free-spirited, creative, passionate, stubborn, sensitive, hates to be dependent, easily bored
• What are you passionate about? Art History, Literature, Music
• Pet Peeves? Inconsiderate people, people with no backbone, loud chewing noises, possessive and clingy people
• What are you not so good at? Sports, Math/Science
• Do you have any talents? Writing, sketching
• How do you view love? It has to be two-sided, for sure
• Are you more trusting or more cynical of others? Trusting
• How do you view friendship? Just like love, it has to be two-sided.
This or That
• Determined or laid back: Determined
• Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
• Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
• Mature or not so mature: Mature
Confident or Shy: A mix
Brave or Coward? Brave
Night or Day? Evening actually
Home or Adventure? Sometimes home, sometimes adventure
What is your style in fashion? Posh-punk
Are you more girly or a tomboy? A mix
Introverted or Extroverted: Extroverted
Lover or Fighter: Fighter
What are your dreams for the future? To be an art director/illustrator, travel around the world, make my family happy and marry
What do you look for in a mate? Charm, this fearlessness about them, protective, understanding, romantic, trusting
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? I want to be more capable
A quote/lyric/song/saying that's important to you? "Things fall apart so that things can be together. Things stay together so that things can fall apart."
• Favorite movie she was in? I can't decide!
• Least favorite movie this actress was in? None
• Favorite character? Sophie from Mama Mia
• Least favorite character? None
• Favorite outfit actress has worn in a film or on red carpet ( photos/links to pics are definitely acceptable)
• Do you admire this actress or are you not fond of her? I'm fond of her.
• What's your favorite couple she's been a part of (can be canon or fanon)? Why? Amanda and Dominic! They're really cute.
• Which of her character could you imagine being best friends with? Both Sophies, Savannah and Needy.
• Which leading man of hers could you imagine being romantically involved with? Why? I have no idea actually!
• Anything else you feel needs to be said? Thank you for voting!
• Post your picture(s)if you want to here -