• Name: Natasha (that's a russian name), Natalie. My nickname is Sakura/Saku.
• over 13? (since we respect the LJ code): Yup, I'm fifteen. Almost soon-to-be sixteen (my birthday's in May).
• How would you describe yourself? (includes strengths and flaws): Briefly? A mix between an
INFP and
ENFP. Haha, sorry about that. Gotta write more. On the outside, I'm quite apathetic and sarcastic to everything, but in the inside I tend to be happy, cheerful and optimistic. Other than that, I can be kind of cute and sometimes people call me adorable. It's not because I'm nice to everyone or like to smile, it's just that I always do things that people may call strange, but cute. Althrough I don't show it, I'm curious and easily excited. I can never hate anyone, even if he/she really hurt me. I may hold grudges for a little, but eventually get over it. I've never meant to brag, but I can call myself a smart person. Okay, just not in the school subjects way (excluding languages, I'm close to perfect in it... surprisingly). But I can understand anything even in my hated subjects, like math. I really love helping anyone (especially when they thank me for my help, it makes me feel important). Now to the negative points, I have an avoidant personality disorder, which really bugs me. I can freely talk to people without shyness only when I understand what they won't say do anything I won't like. I have a problem with adding LJ friends too, lol... but after that, I'm pretty much talkative and friendly. I'm quite stubborn. If I really want something, I get it. People never listen to me or think of me seriously. I care too much about that others think of me, I'm too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch of the mouth personally. I do drama a lot, that's why people often call me princess-like (in a good way, lol :Р). I'm quite the selfish one. Sorry, it turned out to be quite long... *sigh*
• What are you passionate about? Happy people!; the color pink (check: username!); romantic movies, shoujo manga and honest love in general; things that remind me of something exciting (define like - photos, diary, etc.); anything that is cute and/or fluffy.
• Pet Peeves? People who bully others just to look cool and think so highly of themselves because of that, judging people.
• What are you not so good at? Sports. I can't even swin. I fail at almost everything related to sport. Even through I love bicyles, jumps and running.
• Do you have any talents? I learn something new very fast and easily (though I always forget about it anyways).
• How do you view love? It's a very important part of my life. I think it's impossible to live without it.
• Are you more trusting or more cynical of others? I'm a very trusting person, but I can become cynical if this particular person dissapointed me.
• How do you view friendship? I treasure friendship, because when you're alone you feel like the whole world is against you.
• Family, friends, lovers, possessions, careers. What order would you put these, from highest to lowest priority? Lovers, family, friends, possesions, careers. I'm more of a trusting person, but can be a cynic as well.
• Favorite Color(s) and why? Pink for the pure win!
• Favorite Place(s) and why? Home sweet home. There's no other place where I can feel so beloved :)
• Favorite Movie(s) and why? 'Butterfly Effect'. I suggest you watch this, because it's seriously made of awesome!
• Favorite Book(s) and why? I love Harry Potter and books by Meg Cabot and anything in this style. I love girly books!
• Favorite Television Show(s) and why? Veronica Mars, because it has everything: detective, interesting plot, romance and teenage problems.
• Favorite Food(s) and why? Almost everything from McDonalds. Yeah. xD And ice-cream is yummy!
This or That
• Implusive or Cautious: Cautious. I always think before I act. Sometimes I want to be a lot more impulsive, being cautious IS boring :/
• Optimistic or Pessimistic:: Mostly optimistic, but I can be a true pessimist (I've learned to be that kind of person when I was sick badly... ugh, I'm going to recover for about five years).
• Mature or not so mature: Mature, but it doesn't mean I can't act all childish.
• Confident or Shy: I dislike shy people (with rare exceptions), and I don't think that I can hate myself (because I love myself, like everyone else here :D). So, outgoing it is (and proud of it). Lol 'k, I'm really shy sometimes, and I HATE it, believe me. In the end I'm something in between ^_^
• Introverted or Extroverted: Extrovert with those who I know and can trust; introvert with cool people or just people in general... lol.
• Lover or Fighter: Lover (though I never fall in love at first sight or something. and if I love someone, it's for a long period of time). I'm a peacemaker actually and even if I fight, I fight to protect - not to hurt.
The Actress
Favorite movie she was in? Clueless, definitely.
Least favorite movie this actress was in? None, but I haven't seen many of them.
Favorite character? Hmm, maybe Sarah?
Least favorite character? Tai, oh god she annoyed the hell out of me!
Do you admire this actress or are you not fond of her? I haven't paid much attention to her before she died (but I did not her name though), I think she's fine? I'm sorry she died at such a young age.
Anything else you feel needs to be said? No, not really. I think you already know who to vote me as anyway XD; But just in case, you can look into my profile page, there's a little bit more info.
Post your picture(s)if you want to here:
2. The only thing you need to know which is not seen on the photo is what I'm very pale. I scare people with my paleness. O_o