LJ! And things like that.

Apr 22, 2011 13:21

Change of icon, since I seem to be using it all the time anyway. G'kar has been my public face for almost a year, but it's time to bid him farewell for another reptillian humanoid. And a new theme, naturally.

I feel very unqualified to discuss DS9 since I've only seen about half of the show (plus picking up various spoilers through the Internet), but I will say that I am most thoroughly and unquestionably enjoying the hell out of it. :D I've been having long discussions with a friend about the possibilities that Garak and Bashir's literature discussions bring up. I mean, we don't get to hear a lot about the books they read - and from what we do, the repetitive epic sounds pretty terrible to me, but I'd like to read an enigma tale - but it brings up a great opportunity to have an alien character (Garak) who has both a distinct personality and a distinct cultural background into contact with human literature. I mean, can you imagine him reading "Howl"? Isabel Allende? God forbid, Jane Austen? And the whole discussion was kicked off by me wondering what a Cardassian version of The Master and Margarita would look like. Because obviously the framing devices are very rooted in human culture, but I think a lot of the themes could be applied to the Cardassian situation. And it would be some seriously banned literature, too.

Annnnnyway in related news, my friend finally sent me some of the photos she took of me in the hallway at Conbust.

Here's me in my frilly goth dress ready to go out and rep the POWER AND BENEVOLENCE OF THE STATE. I spent a while fussing with whether it was entirely appropriate to wear that pin right over my chest and with a rainbow necklace, until I realized that I was about to go out to the kind of dance where they play remixes of The Lord of the Rings score, and the dignity of my alien pin was probably the LAST thing I should be worrying about. :P

Also, ugghhh, this fucking week. I have three papers to turn in one of which is my research paper which I have to do IN the library because I don't have borrowing privileges, plus exam prep. Some of which is of the "Oh shit I forgot to read the textbook for that class" variety - though to be fair, that class doesn't actually have assigned reading. Still. And combined with insomnia, I think I can safely say that sleep is for the weak and the dead.

ds9, me

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