(no subject)

Feb 24, 2011 22:41

A conversation with inkyumbrella made me realize - BSG contains one attempted suicide (Boomer), one dream suicide (Tyrol), one successful suicide (Dualla), one person saved from death who didn't want to be (Lee), and one... deliberately letting your ship blow up, which I class in a similar category. Add to that a rather graphic suicide attempt from the deleted scenes from "Occupation" (my severe issues with this clip aside, I really wish it had made the final cut, because it would have made me buy their storyline so much more). Damn, this show.

Also, Supernatural fanfiction with Sam going straight back to school makes me sad. I think it's sasha_lilyrat's problem with Nina's story in In the Heights - it's too easy, and we know how hard it actually is.

Here's why I, unlike the rest of the Internet, am not frantically re-posting every piece of information that comes out of Libya: dictators leave power vacuums. This is not like Iran in '09, when Mousavi (sp?) actually won the election. This isn't like Tunisia where they can form a unity government, or even like Egypt with an independent military and a prime minister. The entire administration is centered around Col. Gaddafi and his tribe (yes, tribe, that is not metaphorical). There isn't really an alternate power structure, legislative branch, organized opposition party - maybe not even a functional government system without that. I'm not saying it won't work - one of the things that determines revolutions is which way the army goes, and it seems to have sided with the protesters. But I am totally holding my breath for what happens next, because you have an armed, tribal society with no clear successor or maybe even power structure, and I really do not know where things go from there. So I can't bring myself to cheer and re-post and change my avatar, because I feel like I'm holding my breath waiting for things to go to shit. Don't get me wrong, I hope for the best. I am just not sanguine about it.

I don't need to read warm and fuzzy fanfiction to get the warm fuzzies. I read something where one of the romantic leads died horribly in tiny little pieces and the other one ran around being heartbroken and it gave me the warm fuzzies. Maybe it's just about genuine warmth, connection, and tenderness within the relationship itself and possible kicking ass. */SAP SAP SAP SAP*


Okay guys, I thought this was really cool and wanted to share. Though possibly I am the only one who gets it?

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news, fandom, ds9, mood:drained, listening to:shiny toy guns, battlestar galactica, youtube

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